lemonade dino melaye
Entertainment politics

Dino Melaye speaks about his roles in debut movie ‘Lemonade’

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Senator Dino Melaye has shared light about his roles in ‘Lemonade’, a movie he featured in 2019.

The controversial politician told reporters in Abuja during the premier of ‘Lemonade’, that his roles in the movie is to fight for a better society.

He said, “I brought my political experience to bear and to say that in changing the society everyone should be involved in it. The message is that we must have a nation and a society where leaders must be responsible, where followers must ask questions, where every Nigerian must decide to either work in the light of our creative altruism or we perish in the darkness of destructive selfishness.”

dino movie
Sen. Dino Melaye said his roles in Lemonade is to fight for a better society.

Dino said that government should invest in the entertainment industry to create employment for the teeming youths and generate revenue for the country.

He said, “In American the quantum of the GDP that the entertainment takes is more than the budget of the federal republic of Nigeria. So the federal government must actually re-strategize and refocus her energy on the entertainment industry, it is a big catch for us.”

He was asked if he had more talents in acting than in politics, considering the role he played in the movie. He answered that he was good in both fields.

He said, “It wasn’t a true life story but I can say it also juxtaposed my position about a just and egalitarian society, having a society where equity, justice and egalitarianism become the order of the day.”

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